Get Involved

There are lots of ways you can support Fota House, Arboretum & Gardens and contribute to the work of the Irish Heritage Trust.

Donations, membership and volunteering, as well as bequests, sponsorship, and collaborative partnerships, all play important roles in helping us conserve Fota for the enjoyment of all.

Fota House is managed and cared for by the Irish Heritage Trust, which is a non-profit organisation and a registered charity. This means that every contribution you make, from your admission fee to the price you pay for coffee and cake, is ploughed back into supporting conservation and public access to the Fota estate, and our sister properties, collections and museums across Ireland.

Visits, Donations, and Memberships Help Us To:

  • Care for collections of significant historical value, from artworks and decorations to toys and heritage tools.
  • Foster learning through visitor experiences and our vibrant education programme.
  • Build resources for and connections with local communities through our volunteering programme and other initiatives.

Ways To Show Your Support

There are lots of ways you can help us to maintain Fota House, Arboretum and Gardens as amenities and resources for our local community and a much wider audience in perpetuity.


The simplest way to support Fota House, Arboretum & Gardens is to have a wonderful time here!

  • Take a tour of the house and view our unique art collection.
  • Explore the restored glasshouses in the Victorian Working Gardens and explore Fota’s award winning Arboretum and beautiful gardens too!
  • Then treat yourself to a delicious coffee and cake at Bakestone Café or pick up a thoughtful gift in the Fota’s Long Gallery Gift Shop.


Join the Irish Heritage Trust to benefit from access to all of its properties across Ireland throughout the year. Membership is a wonderful way to support Irish heritage conservation and make the most of Ireland’s wonderful houses and gardens too!

Join Our Community